
Every entrepreneurial bookkeeper has the desire and intention for continued growth in their bookkeeping business. It can be easy to focus on the ‘big’ goals, whether it’s reaching a million-dollar revenue, hiring five new team members, or moving into a bigger space.

The big goals are important. It gives you a target to focus on and a clear path to work towards. However, those big goals don’t happen overnight. They are achieved through small, consistent daily efforts.

In this article, we talk about how to elevate your bookkeeping business in three simple ways. Implementing these tips will make a significant difference in the long-term strategy and longevity of your company.

1. Build relationship and trust 

The way bookkeeping businesses operate today is much different than how transactions were approached in the 1950s. Modern consumers are looking for a relationship with the person they are working with. Technology has dramatically lent a hand to this shift.

Your customer has information readily available in the palm of their hand. They’re able to read reviews, research more information about your company, and look for similar services before they make a decision.

This is an opportunity for businesses to build a relationship and trust with their customers. This highlights the importance of making an excellent first impression during the initial interview with your prospective client.

The following are proven ways to build trust:

  • A friendly follow up after the first interaction 
  • Always deliver on what you’ve promised
  • Be clear on expectations and any limitations

2. Listen to the voice of your customer

To add to the point above, your customer trusts you when they feel heard and understood. As humans, we are built for connection, and every relationship thrives on good communication. 

When you walk into a store and communicate your needs and wants, but the store personnel offers you something that is entirely the opposite of what you are looking for, chances are your confidence in that company significantly goes down. 

Listening without pretension is key, as well as responding to your client’s pain points about their finances and bookkeeping that will help you offer them a solution that they need. A few tips that will ensure your client feels that their voice is being heard are:

  • Ask questions to understand their concerns
  • Ask questions about their needs and goals
  • Repeat back to your client about the problem that they are experiencing

3. Take action 

Last but not least, take action every day that will help you move towards your big goal so your accounting business can grow.

Taking daily action can look like: 

  • Staying up-to-date with accounting software
  • Learning about new apps that your ideal clients are using
  • Reaching out to experts to improve your marketing strategy
  • Speaking with other accounting professionals who run a successful bookkeeping business

Final thoughts 

All of the above are simple ways to take action today that will move the needle for your accounting business. Remember – it’s all about serving your clients. Building a trusting relationship, listening to the voice of your customer, and taking action every day are time-honoured ways to grow your business.

Written by: Sal
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